An easy way for you
to distribute airtime!
Need airtime quick? We provide a simple and easy way for
you to purchase airtime for Econet, NetOne or Telecel.
Our Partners:
juice up ussd
Distribute with Ease:
Fast, Convenient, and Secure
Mobile Top-Ups.
Our services user-friendly and secure, allowing you to quickly
find the right package and complete your purchase effortlessly. With diverse payment options, compatibility
with all major networks in Zimbabwe, our speedy transactions help
you to stay connected with your loved ones.
Our Offerings
We provide a range of offerings for our different
users with the sole aim of providing value to them.
Dealer Platform

A tool that allows mobile dealers and resellers to offer airtime top-up services to their customers.

Vendor Platform

A service that allows businesses or individuals to sell airtime to customers through our online storefront.

End User Service

A service that allows individual consumers to purchase airtime directly from the service provider

Are you keen on
leveraging our platform
for your business?

Register as a Dealer or Vendor then start
making revenue with ease!

Are you keen on leveraging our platform for your business?

Register as a Dealer or Vendor then start making revenue with ease!

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